Wednesday 30 June 2021

The Secret War by Louise Burfitt-Dons


Book Description:

A confident China plans to alter the world order.

Border expansion for her burgeoning population is an essential element.   

Bioweapons will be used as a first tester in the US.

An underground laboratory. A claustrophobic liner. A trail of dead mistresses.

Karen Andersen, private investigator, stumbles across intelligence in a Liverpool University that an ultra-right faction of the CCP plan to release the hyper contagious virus on an unsuspecting New York City. 

Heading out of Southampton on a luxury cruise, she has just seven days to disrupt the strategy. In the turmoil on board, Karen struggles to unravel the complexities.

My thoughts:

Well, this was a busy book. Spycraft, China making plans for World domination, biological warfare, covid, social media - it's all there and, for such a busy book the author managed to keep the pace steady and not overcompicate things too much. 

A lot of the story was set on an ocean liner heading to NYC and I'm not a fan of stories set on boats/liners (or planes, or submarines - basically any kind of confined transport) but Burfitt-Dons managed to keep it interesting so that's a plus for me. 

 China always seem a secretive country and that certainly comes across here. 

 The book consists of short chapters which would usually make it easy to reach a 'stopping point' to put the book down but the bits that move the plot forward are dribbled out in a way that kept me wanting 'just one more chapter' time after time. 

 This is the third book to feature PI Karen Anderson and the first I've read in the series but I've enjoyed it enough that after finishing it (about an hour ago) I'm heading straight over to Amazon to get the previous 2

 As thrillers go you really can't get much more up to the minute than this


Thanks, as ever, to Anne Cater and Random Things Tours for inviting me to review this and providing the review copy. Please, if you can, take a look at the posts by the other bloggers on the tour (below) 

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