Tuesday 21 July 2020

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks by Amy Charlotte Kean and J Milton

Welcome to my spot on the blog tour for a rather wonderful little book. First, here's the general gist of the story;

'This is the story of a brave young girl, Elodie-Rose, who one day decides to
change the world and keep all her fucks in her basket.
Wait a minute. You’re confused. What are fucks, you ask? It’s quite simple,
really. Fucks are her self-esteem; all the happy, sad and wonderful thoughts
that sit in her basket. That sit in every girl’s basket! And every girl must give
these fucks away every time someone asks.
One day Elodie-Rose decides to break rank and find out what happens if those
fucks stay where they are...'

Throughout the day Elodie-Rose gets stronger in her self belief that keeping all her fucks in her basket is the right thing to do and grows as a person. This is, in my opinion, a book that all young ladies should read (even if the title may put some people off the book). It is empowering and all should aim to 'be more Elodie-Rose'

What makes this book extra special, in my opinion, are the gorgeous illustrations by J. Milton. Every page is a glory of colour.

The poetry (yes, the story is in rhyme, forgot to mention that, sorry) doesn't always scan perfectly but, you know what? It doesn't matter because the whole thing works both as a story and a message.

Thanks, as always, to Anne Cater for inviting me onto this tour and please, if you can, check out the other posts by the bloggers on the tour.