Thursday 10 June 2021

Run ,Walk , Crawl by Tim Lebbon


 Welcome to the final leg of the Blogtour for Tim Lebbon's tale of change through endurance racing and training. 

 I'll start by saying I know Tim through social media through his (rather good) fiction writing and so have known of his 'sportiness' for a while but not the reason behind it. As it turns out that reason is a simple one and one many people will connect with. It was as simple as looking at himself and saying 'this is not good, something has to change' 

 This revelation happened as Lebbon turned 40 and the book follows him through the next decade from overweight to super athlete through marathons, triathlons, ultra runs etc. 

 For me books like this can go either way but thankfully RWC makes for a good and inspiring read. What probably helps is that TL is an author already so the book is well paced. I'll admit there are places the book made me wince (that could well be understatement of the Month) as his background in writing includes horror fiction so some of the injuries he picked up are well described (chaffing - ouch) but that just adds to the realism of the journey from fat to fit. 

 And a journey is just what it is. Tim goes from doing this just to change his lifestyle to becoming a passionate ultra athlete and really is an inspiration. 

 A highly recommended read


Thanks to Anne Cater for inviting me onto this tour and please have a look at the posts by the other bloggers (below) if you get the chance 

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