Tuesday 20 April 2021

Bluemantle by Karen Langston



Set in the sun-scorched city of Wydeye, the totalitarian Authority controls its citizens through fear and cultivated dependence. Live music is deemed a threat to order and is forbidden by law. Punishment for participation is severe.

Chase Newell discovers his sister is missing. His search for her leads him to the underground music Scene, with its ageless Troubadours who must risk their lives to perform in order to survive. To do this, they rely on Bluemantle.

As the Authority's control-obsessed leader, Governor Blix, and her evil-incarnate Chief of Command, Wulfwin, step up their efforts to seize the Troubadours and destroy the Scene, the risks escalate.

While the Troubadours are forced to act, will the citizens of Wydeye wake up to Bluemantle's invitation and find choice beyond the caves of their own making?

The setting of Wydeye really worked for me in this. The drudge of life under the control of the Authority versus the wild exuberance of The Scene is vastly different and the feeling of 'impending doom' facing the musicians is well translated onto the page. The villainy of Blix and Wulfwin could have strayed into 'cartoon character pastiche' but thankfully didn't. 

What really surprised me with Bluemantle was that, until I started reading it I didn't realise just how much I needed it. With things as they have been for the past year the music scene here is practically non existent and this book shows, through the Troubadours and The Scene just how much we would miss live music if it wasn't there. 

The storytelling is top-notch and deserves a rockin' soundtrack 

A highly recommended 5/5*

Many thanks to Anne Cater for inviting me onto the Blogtour and please have a look at the posts by the other reviewers (below). 

When things open back up remember to support live music - you'll miss it when it's gone 😉

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