Tuesday 15 October 2019

Effin Birds

Welcome to Day 2 of the Blogtour for Effin' Birds by Aaron Reynolds.

Have you ever strolled down a country lane hearing nothing but the sweet song of the birds? If so you probably think they are twittering away about the joys of life, a warm nest and the juicy worm they had for breakfast. This is the book to show you how wrong you may be

Billed as A Field Guide to Identification this rather lovely book is a hearty chuckle on every page. What the author has done, with gorgeous illustrations to boot, is give us his take on what the birds are really saying. Such things as

"Can this shit be someone else's problem"

"It must be dickhead season"

"Listen to my opinions"

Added to this are descriptions and where to find such joys as

The Abstruse Heron

The Snub Gull

The Truculent Hawk

So, yes, this is very much a tongue in cheek (tongue in Bill?) look at nature's minstrels but it's really good fun, beautifully illustrated and just the thing to brighten the day.

You'll never listen to birdsong in quite the same way again

Thanks, as always to Anne Cater for inviting me onto this tour, Unbound for providing the review copy and please have a look at the blog posts by the other bloggers on this tour


  1. Thanks for the blog tour support x

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