Sunday 3 February 2013

Fire in the Blood by Ed James - a review

Book 3 in the Scott Cullen mysteries and the series goes from strength to strength.

The story this time revolves around the finding of a body in a whiskey cask at the Dunpender Distillery. The body could be one of two people, a son of the distillery owner or a former worker - both have been missing since distillation in 1994.

Again, Cullen and his boss Brian Bain continue to rub each other up the wrong way and these interactions add to the general mixture of characters in the investigating team.

The story rattles along at a good pace and the ending really ratchets things up a notch.
Looking forward to more in the series

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Really good to get good feedback on it after spending so long writing and editing and rewriting...

    Anyway, back to book four...

    -- Ed
