Sunday 19 April 2020

The F*ck It List by John Niven

It is America 2026, President Trump has completed two terms of office and now his daughter Ivanka is President. In this, unfortunately, quite plausible future Frank Brill is given a diagnosis of Terminal Cancer. 

Now, in many fictional futures of this ilk Frank would be off on a 'journey' to make amends etc, or to visit all his 'dream destinations' but with The F*ck It List he goes on a mission of revenge. He has a list of 5 names of people he believes are responsible for his position in life and he is going to use his time to make them pay. The whys and wherefores of the list are not clear straight away but as the answers come clear it becomes a very clever tale indeed. His life has not been an easy one so it's not hard to get behind him. 

The future America shown here is scary in it's plausibility and makes for an excellent setting although there are a few scenes that some may see as a bit 'near the knuckle'. This is a fine read though - I got through it in 3 days. 

The sign of a good story (in my opinion) is that you reach the end and want to go back for more. And this hits all the points. Frank is a memorable character and l enjoyed his journey through the darkness. I will be looking out for more from this author. 

Thanks, as always to Anne Cater for inviting me onto this tour and please, try and find a chance to look at the other posts by the other bloggers (below) 



  1. Thanks for the blog tour support x

  2. Awesome! No words. You always go one step beyond.

    There is so much great, useful information here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    Read our guide if you wish.

    Thanks again :)
