Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Coffee Shop by Lauren Hunter (a review)

A very cleverly told tale of boy meets girl with a supernatural twist.

Derrick meets Annie when he visits a different coffee shop to usual. They get on like a house on fire but's all a dream.

On waking, he leaves his apartment and due to a traffic problem he visits the coffee shop he dreamt of last night and his dream comes to pass....and that's when things start to get really interesting.

In the dream Derrick and Annie were together for 5 months but when he makes small adjustments to events the future he has is not the future of the dream. As Derrick tries to change things back there is a lot of to-ing and fro-ing which can get a tad confusing at times but all comes together later on.
I felt that this story could become a film very easily and hope it does.

I found this to be a very enjoyable read and not easy to put down. Highly recommeneded

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