Sunday 24 November 2019

Into The Dark by Karen Rose

  Welcome to yesterday's stop on the blog tour for Karen Rose's latest thriller (sorry, my bad, I got the days muddled up).
This was a book of two halves for me. It starts off as a murder mystery coupled with a will they/won't they romance angle. The main story concerns two young boys that see their step father murdered (don't worry, he deserved it) and go on the run. They end up with Dani (a doctor) and Diesel (a hacker/journalist). He loves her, she him but keeps him at arms length for reasons that become obvious soon enough. For the most part this early part of the book gripped me. The plight of the brothers was edge of the seat stuff and the way the older looked after the younger kinda makes you want to crawl into the book and look after both.

As for the romance angle, well, that's where I struggled. The first part worked really well with the tension and the 'need' but when they (SPOILER ALERT!!!) finally get together it just seems to be all about his muscles, his tattoos, his bald head and I did find myself losing interest for a while.

Thankfully though the murder mystery angle saved it with a very interesting bad guy. The main reason being that when it started out he didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it though that did change later on.

All being said, I enjoyed the story but feel it may appeal more to female readers.

Thanks as always to Anne Cater for inviting me on to this tour and please, if you get chance, check out the posts from the other bloggers on the tour

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