Saturday 16 February 2013

The Dominus Runes by Peter Lukes

What a brilliant
and enjoyable book this is.

Do you like future earth sci-fi? How about if we chuck in a touch of fantasy? Now, to that we'll add horror (and images that could have come from the imagination of Clive Barker)!

Still with me? Right, now to all that add a bunch of characters that would be at home in a noir detective/ gangster type novel.

And there you have it - a mix of genres that don't always work together but in this case really do, with scenes that'll have you picking your jaw off the floor just in time for it to drop again.

With Peter Lukes the future of Sci-fi is in safe hands. This guy deserves to be up there with the big names - surely it is only a matter of time.

Sunday 3 February 2013

The Wheel of Time - general thoughts and ramblings

So, this week I finally turned the last page of A Memory of Light - the fourteenth and final volume of the Wheel of Time series.

I started reading the series way, way back in 1990 and that got me thinking - I've been reading and following this series for half of my lifetime.

I remember being in WH Smith one Friday afternoon back in '90 and seeing the first book in the series, The Eye of the World - It was HUGE!!! The first thing that got me was the cover art - I was a big fan of Daryl Sweets covers and this was one of his best. I guess I was already sold on the book before I read the cover blurb but the blurb only turned a "want" into a "must have".

Needless to say I got the book home and devoured it. Thankfully book 2 and book 3 followed fairly quickly (and possibly books 4 and 5) but after a while there came a bigger gap between books and also, some of the books seemed to be a lot of reading for very little happening - but I had to keep on with them, for when things did finally happen they were usually well worth the wait.

Then, in 2007, the author, Robert Jordan, died leaving the series unfinished. Thankfully he had prepared for this eventuality and left enough notes for the book to be finished after his passing. The job of completing the final book was given to Brandon Sanderson - the ending was in sight.

The final book turned out to be 3 books but, in my opinion, that was for the better as there was a hell of a lot of story to be told.

The whole WoT story deserves to be recognised as a masterpiece in my opinion. I've been with these characters since they left the village of Emond's Field in the Two Rivers all those years ago. I've watched them grow into the roles they were given. I sat at 2am one morning, back when book 5 had just been published, stunned because Moiraine, one of the main characters had seemingly been killed off (it was expected but I guess I always thought there would be a way out). I remember feeling both sad and cheated at the death of Mr, Jordan and dubious about the ability of Mr. Sanderson to finish the job (and boy was I wrong there - he turned out to be THE BEST CHOICE!!).

I've had the good fortune to have met both Mr. Jordan and Mr. Sanderson at book signings and two nicer guys you couldn't hope to meet.

These books have been a big part of my reading life and will continue to be so as I now plan to start a complete re-read.

Fire in the Blood by Ed James - a review

Book 3 in the Scott Cullen mysteries and the series goes from strength to strength.

The story this time revolves around the finding of a body in a whiskey cask at the Dunpender Distillery. The body could be one of two people, a son of the distillery owner or a former worker - both have been missing since distillation in 1994.

Again, Cullen and his boss Brian Bain continue to rub each other up the wrong way and these interactions add to the general mixture of characters in the investigating team.

The story rattles along at a good pace and the ending really ratchets things up a notch.
Looking forward to more in the series