Sunday, 21 February 2021

Yearn To Fear by Chas Murrell


Welcome to the final day of the Blogtour for Chas Murrell's thriller Yearn To Fear.


 In the story two science geek types are working on something called The Lammar Chip which is all to do with 5g, download speeds, that kind of thing. When they decide to mess around with it they find other 'uses' for it and then it all gets a bit dangerous. There are others that want the chip, there are shady characters and motives. There are questions of who is on what side. . . you get my drift, it's basically everything you would want or expect from a thriller. 

 The only real downside for me was the tech stuff. I'm not even going to try and pretend I understood half of it but that doesn't detract from the fact that this is a fast paced tale. And it's only part one of a trilogy so plenty more story to come. 
 What particularly worked for me was the Australian setting - it's just nice for a story to be somewhere different for a change. 

Thanks as always to Anne Cater for inviting me onto the tour and please check out the reviews by the bloggers that went before me (below) 


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